Valentine’s Day Is Everyday

The hoopla over Valentine’s Day reminds me of why I don’t like it.  Don’t get me wrong, I would not turn down flowers, candy, or a gift.   A friend told me just a few days ago that I love too hard, well maybe I do, because I think that Valentine’s Day should be every day when you love someone.  Valentine’s Day is on Monday when I ask you how I can help you during the week with tasks or honey-dos.  Valentine’s Day is Tuesday when I leave a love note in your briefcase or lunch tote.  On Wednesday, I will cook you a big weekend-style breakfast before you head off to work.  Valentine’s Day is Thursday when I have the shower hot and your favorite 100% cotton T and bottoms laid out for you on the bed.  Valentine’s Day is on Friday when I massage your shoulders after a hard work day.  Valentine’s Day is on Saturday, and we go our separate ways to run errands and visit with friends, but we make plans for a romantic Saturday evening together.  Valentine’s Day is on Sunday when we serve the Lord together in worship. 

There is nothing wrong with celebrating Valentine’s Day; hopefully, you will make some wonderful memories. One day a year is not good enough to express an everyday kind of love. And sometimes, it is not the stuff but rather the things you do from day to day that say, “I support you, I am here, I love you.”