Over the years I have heard the rhetoric about emotionally unavailable men. For a while, I bought into it, but no more. I have always said that men go after what they want. If a man is not going after you, he doesn’t want you. If a man is playing the hot and cold game, he doesn’t want you. Just remove yourself from the equation. It is easier said than done but necessary for your emotional health.
There is no such thing as an emotionally unavailable man; he is just not allowing his emotions to connect with you. I promise you…. when he runs across a woman he feels is worthy of his feelings, he will release them to her.
It doesn’t feel good to want to be with someone who doesn’t want to be with you. Even worse is wasting time and precious emotions over someone who doesn’t want to be with you. You are a magnificent wonder worthy of the love that you, yourself, have to offer. Be patient, love yourself, care for yourself, and love will come. Until then, embrace the peace that comes with letting go of the chaos and uncertainty from someone who can’t love you and cherish you the way you need and deserve.